Monday, December 3, 2012

What Are The Reasons For Investing in Gold?

The traditional assets that people invest in are typically stocks, bonds, cash and sometimes real estate. There are also mutual funds related to all of these asset classes. Where does gold fit into this picture? Gold traditionally was only used to hedge against inflation or when there was economic crisis in the world. The last time when gold had a large increase in price before now was in the 1970's. This period was characterized by world turmoil, high debt and high inflation.

Gold is thought of as a metal which is used in jewelry and ornaments, but this is only a part of the picture. These uses are an attempt to classify gold by what it physically does versus what it represents. The reason why gold is used to hedge inflation or economic events is because gold is money. If you need proof of this, understand that the biggest buyers of gold have been central banks. They are not using gold to make jewelry, but to backstop their respective currencies. Lately, they have been net buyers after many years of being net sellers. If gold is out of date as a currency, the central bankers would not be interested in gold today.

Gold is the one of the longest running currencies in the history of commerce, and it was used in many cultures to represent wealth. This concept is still true today, but it has been obscured by the fact that the US dollar is now a representative currency or reserve currency for that wealth. You have no doubt heard of the "gold standard". There was once a time when all of the currencies of the world were exchanged at a fixed rate to gold. Gold was essentially the base currency for the world, and then all of the other currencies like the pound, yen, dollar and franc were compared to the value of gold. Only recently was the US dollar used as a proxy for gold. This was done at first because the US government had a sufficient amount of gold to back up the representative value of the currency. This is like saying that the US dollar was a receipt that represented real gold stored in a government vault. When the dollar was taken off the gold standard, the receipt now had no gold backing it up. Instead, the power of the US treasury to tax people or generate value is where the dollars' worth comes from. Implicit in this idea was simply a matter of trust that the government, or whoever issued the currency would always create value that the currency unit represented. At the time that the gold standard was disabled, the national debt and deficit were not as large as today. At the present time, the debt has grown so large that there is talk about government bankruptcy.

What does this have to do with your investing? Gold should not be treated like any other industrial metal, but more like currency. Like other currencies, what gold will buy in your dollars will change every day, similar to how many Euros you can buy with your dollar. This is one reason why gold is volatile, and it has risks like any other investment. What would affect the price of this gold? There are always many factors, but in terms of a currency, its purchasing power is the key variable in understanding the gold price. Since currencies are relative to other currencies, the way to look at gold is - how much of it is there compared to the other currencies of the world? Since all of the other currencies are based on trust, and currencies can be issued in any quantity at any time, this is a clue as to how to proceed. Gold is expanding every year due to mine production, but this is relatively slow compared to the issuance of other currencies, which are essentially issuing new debt.

I understand the story - how do I invest in it?

The gold I have been talking about up until now is the metal itself. There are many ways to invest in gold - gold stocks, gold indices, and buying gold directly - either in gold bullion (bars or wafers), coins or buying access to physical metals through gold dealers or funds. If you understand the idea that gold is a currency, the most straightforward way to capture that trend is to buy gold as a metal.

If you buy access to gold metal through a fund, you want to find something that tracks the price of gold as closely as possible. There will likely be small differences between the fund and the gold price due to fees, issuing fund units, or short term trading patterns which usually balance out in the long run. A gold fund can be an exchange traded fund that imitates gold, or a gold trust that actually buys the gold and holds it for you. The other way to buy gold directly is to buy gold physically. This would be done through a gold coin dealer, gold bullion dealer or a currency dealer if they deal in physical gold. Many of these dealers have sprung up in the last few years so make sure whoever you go to has history and a good reputation. The risk of buying gold bullion lies in where to store it, and the possibility of loss or theft. You can put gold in a safety deposit box at your bank or have someone store it for you for a fee, but then you need to trust whoever you store the gold with. There can also be expensive fees to buy gold so you need to shop around like everything else that you buy.

If you want to invest in gold through shares, you are looking for companies that can actually produce gold and take advantage of a very high price, or shortages of supply due to more demand for gold. This means that gold explorers and small minors may not serve the purpose too well, unless you are investing in gold and the company as well. The risks in buying a gold stock are different than buying gold bullion due to market factors like company management, gold reserves, geopolitical risk in mining locations, issuing new shares, company expenses and so forth.

You can also buy a mutual fund of gold shares. The risk and reward of this strategy is very similar to buying individual shares, but you can diversify across more gold companies. The downside is that the management fees for a mutual fund are typically higher than buying stocks directly.

The key takeaway here is that gold can be viewed as a currency rather just another metal, and investment should be adjusted accordingly.

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Invest in Gold or Silver Today

Why precious metals have become a center of attention today? Is it really worthwhile to invest in gold and silver? Do you think about obtaining profitable returns in future? Every time, you switch on TV or browse internet, you see an incline in bullion prices. So, why high-end metals have become popular constituent of the wealth portfolio?

Gold and silver are precious metals which don't lose shine and sparkle despite changes in the atmosphere or any environmental phenomenon. They are excavated, purified and molded in bars and then, sold in the market. The former has become very expensive due to fall in supply from mines. The price of the latter has seen an increase due to rising demand in medical and industrial equipments where it is used in plenty. Seeing the records of the last few years, the price has seen a rise of nearly 200%. There is a gut feeling to invest in gold or silver as it can give healthy and fruitful returns in future. The stock markets have crashed everywhere in Europe, North America and Asia. There is little scope for stocks of top-notch companies to survive the heat. The growing economic pressure and failure of government reforms in several sectors of industry is accounted as one of the basic reasons behind fall of markets. In such a scenario, metals available in bars and coins have become good trading materials.

Opting to buy bullion bars or coins! Don't hesitate to buy in good quantity when finance is not an issue. One can see the constant fluctuations in metal trading just like forex market. However, metals bought now could give good returns in future. It is not important to trade or sell within a year. You can always stack them in any form (bars or coins) in your safe. If the personal circumstances are unfavorable, you can easily remove them by selling in open trade market.

There has been no slowdown in the use of bullion bars, thus, it is best to invest in gold. It is considered the best part of jewelry for both men and women. The price doesn't deter most investors as it's used on several occasions during the year. You buy it for marriage, anniversary, birthday and annual festive celebrations. Its demand is unlikely to fall at any time as it's an indispensable part of custom and culture in almost every continental region. The rise in demand for silver has been quite spontaneous. Many industries have started using silver chips and parts in different products. In fact, it is difficult to replace those parts with some other metal. As a result, a shortfall is seen in the supply of the white metal.

If you are interested in investing in precious metals, it's the right time now. The future trends show a steep increase in metal prices. You can redesign your investment portfolio by removing the stocks and other commodities and start investing in gold or silver.

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Guidelines For Investments In Silver

Today when the strength of the global economy is wavering, people have again started investing in safe havens such as precious metals.

When it comes to investing in silver, it is essential to know some important aspects of silver investments before parking your hard-earned money. Here are some helpful silver investment tips.

During thin economic periods which decrease the value in currencies, the demand for silver increases. The higher the demands, the higher are the prices on silver. The higher prices are also the results of the fact that silver and gold do not have a myriad stock and supply.

Many other factors also affect silver prices. Aspects such as ups and downs in demand and supply chain in the investment market and the type of silver that is purchased and the current value of currency for which silver is purchased have a great impact on the cost of precious metals. It is no secret tip to know that when the currencies struggle to stand firm, prices on the shiny, precious metals such as gold and silver go upwards. The experts of investment market assert that the investments in precious metals are safer and better than facing stormy economic circumstances.

Though the investments in silver do not yield financial returns as high as those of investments in gold, the same is considered safer. This is due to less volatile prices of silver than those of gold that always result in less severe losses.

Be advised of buying silver bullion or bars and not coins or jewelry if you are interested in buying silver as an investment plan. Keep in mind that silver needs to be melted down and purified to get the highest worth and so, buying silver bars and not coins and jewelry returns more financial profits as the silver used to make bars or bullion is already melted down while silver used for making coins or jewelry needs to be melted down and purified.

Another important aspect that you should always keep in mind while investing in silver market is reputed brokers. Before purchasing silver make sure that you are striking a deal with trusted broker as frauds in silver investment market are found to be common. Remember that silver can also be purchased from a mint directly, but less of purchases can be costly. If you want to park less of your funds and still want to gain more benefits, look for other parties who are interested in buying silver bars or bullion as investments and combine funds to make a group investment.

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Web Design Services - Choosing The Best One Available

Seeking help to work on your website nowadays isn't very difficult. All it takes is a simple visit to your favorite search engine and type away. But tutorials and templates won't be the only things that will appear in the list of search results. You can expect a number of web design services to appear as well and many people that don't know how to make a website oftentimes consult a web design service. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to as well. If you are not in a hurry in getting your website up and running, you can explore some of the available options that can lead you to making a full website faster, cheaper or possibly even for free.

The first option is to look for software related to graphics design. If you have a good website layout or template in mind and you need a tool to bring the idea forward, you can use your favorite sketching tool or graphics design app. There are plenty of free tools that you can try that help you design the framework of your site. Simple sketches like this can actually save you money even if you do not know how to code a website. When you need to hire a freelancer or professional web design service, you can simply show your sketches and render so they can immediately go to work on your site. The work will be completed faster and you shouldn't be charged for the development of the idea since you came up with the idea.

If you have time to learn how to code, there are plenty of online resources available that can teach you all sorts of useful concepts regarding web development such as the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Even some basic familiarization with these languages can lead you to making a basic website that can bring your design to life. There are also a number of free templates that you can download and modify to your liking so you can design faster. Coding a website using Windows Notepad isn't so much fun for a lot of people which is why these people switch to free text editors that are more optimized for web design. These free tools highlight codes and syntaxes to make it easier to troubleshoot the code for errors.

Before you consult any web design services, try to do as much as you can using the free resources and software. If you have enough patience and perseverance, you may be able to design the whole website yourself. Knowing how to design the layout also means big savings because you will only need to hire a professional graphics designer if you need your site to have eye-catching banners and other design elements. There is no need to spend big on a web developer since you already have a layout that you can work with.

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7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have

A website is a good marketing tool if you know how to use it right. One of the factors that will guarantee the success of your site is its design. This is what will catch your target visitor's eye and will make him stay and look around.

Another factor that could make your site visitor stay and return to your site is your navigation system. It should be simple yet solid so that the information your target audience is looking for can be found easily.

In building your navigation system, always put yourself in the shoes of your site visitor. Think about how you will click away from a site if you cannot find what you are looking for and how you will never go back to visit it again. That is what your site visitor will do as well if you do not have the right navigation elements on your site and below are seven of them:

1. Main navigation bar should be placed on top of every web page. It should be simple and cleanly structured.

2. Your navigation system should only be three levels or less. Placing more than these might drive away your visitors.

3. A navigation bar should also be placed on the footer of your website.

4. Your web pages should not have too many options for navigation. This could create confusion among your site visitors.

5. Your web pages should have breadcrumbs on them. Similar to Hansel and Gretel's breadcrumbs, they will be responsible for guiding your target audience through their navigation trail. This will make it easy for them to go from one page to the next.

6. Your web content should have links integrated into them. Just ensure that your visitors will know exactly where these links will take them. These links are also great for enhancing your search engine optimization efforts.

7. Never use JavaScript or Flash for your navigation system. Keep in mind that nowadays many people already use mobile devices in browsing the web. They won't be able to navigate or use your site if you are using Flash or Javascript. Users whose web browsers' Flash versions have not been updated will also experience the same problem.

If you will look at all these elements, there is basically one clear-cut rule on having the best navigation system for your website: Make it easy for your site visitors to go where they want to go.

You should never make it hard for them to look for where they should head next and how they should get there. Everything should be laid out for them, so finding information on your site is straightforward and stress-free. Your visitors will love your site for this.

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Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business

Search Engine Optimization or (SEO) can be extremely crucial for the success of any kind of online business, since more than 90% of all online visitors will get access to the websites via different search engines. So, the only way to virtually establish your business on the enormously expanding internet is by knowing the right optimization techniques.

Actually the search engines are just like our phone books, but they work on the much larger scale as compare to our phone books. You can find thousands, in fact millions of businesses and companies that are offering various services you need.

Hence, this is quite clear that it's very difficult to find the website of your company when there are thousands of local, national or international companies are doing business in the same niche as yours. Following are some other benefits of the various optimization techniques that will certainly help you in knowing "Why SEO is Necessary for Business."

- The key tool for every online business owner is search engine optimization which helps them to get more customers to their business's website. It is extremely crucial to get the potential traffic to the website and also maintain a good level at the search engines. Basically the main and primary aim of the various SEO techniques is to get the repetitive and potential customers to the website.

- There are so many convenient ways that work under the banner of search engine optimization like RSS Feeds and link building that has the ability to create a great positive impact on an online business.

- The search engine optimization which is based on the specific keywords which are used in the website's content can generate some potential traffic that will ultimately help in the revenue generation and success of an E-commerce site or online business.

- When it comes to the customer finding your website, then the ranking of your site matters a lot. When a customer or visitor search a keyword which is related to your online business through a search engine then it will pass through the SERP's. Your website will get the specific ranking which depends on the quality and relevancy of the content which is published on your website. Therefore, this ranking can be easily increased with the help of different SEO techniques.

- Remember, it is extremely important to practice the optimization of the website with ethics. There are many webmasters who are using the negative part of SEO in order to get better results in a short time period. But the fact is that all these techniques will eventually trap them under the crawler and they would not get any kind of benefit from these techniques.

- SEO is the best way to promote the business on the World Wide Web. All the competent and experienced SEO marketing companies will always make sure that the business of their client gets an all-round promotion and maximum exposure.

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